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Library expenditure on collections (‘content’)

Library expenditure on collections (‘content’)

Full-text usage of licensed journals in 2014 by publisher / platform

Full-text usage of licensed journals in 2014 by publisher / platform

Full-text usage of e-books in 2014 by platform / publisher

Full-text usage of e-books in 2014 by platform / publisher

Full-text usage of e-books in 2014 with DRM*

Full-text usage of e-books in 2014 with DRM*

Full-text usage of e-books in 2014 without DRM*

Full-text usage of e-books in 2014 without DRM*



Literatuuraanvragen voor bedrijven door de Servicebalie

Literatuuraanvragen voor bedrijven door de Servicebalie

Ontvangen IBL aanvragen

Ontvangen IBL aanvragen

Ingediende IBL aanvragen

Ingediende IBL aanvragen