House rules action week in the University Library

The house rules action week began on Monday 26 March 2012 in the University Library. Director Marjolein Nieboer told those present in the lobby once again exactly what these house rules are. During the week…

Library app project

The idea of expanding our library services with a mobile app has been around for a couple of years. Customers have a growing number of mobile devices at their disposal and want to use them…

The first ‘invite others in’ in the UB

In 2012, a request to take up residence in the University Library was granted to a University service for the very first time. The new umbrella organization for (study) careers advice, NEXT, is now located…

Relocation of the Protestant Theological University Kampen collection to the Zernike stacks

(Nederlands) In de zomermaanden is een deel van de collectie van de bibliotheek van de PThU uit Kampen ingehuisd. Er was een strekkende kilometer gereserveerd voor deze collectie. De boeken staan alleen vermeld in de…

The sleepless night

(Nederlands) Ook in 2012 bleef de Universiteitsbibliotheek eenmaal een hele nacht open, de zogeheten Slapeloze Nacht. In examenperiodes ijveren studenten steevast voor (nog) langere openingstijden van de …

Digital Collections

In 2012, a large number of rare books, maps, manuscripts, and collections were digitalized and added to the Digital Collections ( Some of the highlights include: The complete series of the magazine Der Clercke Cronike…