Open Journal System

Are you thinking of launching a new journal and do you want it distributed on a wide scale? This is the first sentence on the website with information on our new service for University staff.

We provide support to editorial boards who want to launch and publish electronic academic journals. With this relatively new service, the Library wants to use her knowledge of digital publishing and hosting journals to support editors connected to the University of Groningen.  Our support is primarily aimed at the development phase of a new journal. Once the first issue has been published, our support will be mainly technical in nature. We can also support the editorial boards of existing journals who want to make the transition from print to digital.

We use the publishing program Open Journal Systems (OJS) for this, which enables users to easily create a new digital journal. OJS is open-source software and used internationally to stimulate and increase access to research results. This journal management system is used by more than 10,000 journals.

The program supports all editorial activities and provides attractive services for readers, such as a notification service, printable versions of articles and links to social media.