Full-text article downloads per publisher/platform

Platform / publisher # of articles downloaded in HTML in PDF # of journals*
EBSCOhost 1.394.032 1.024.229 369.718 9.051
Elsevier ScienceDirect 1.036.868 505.806 531.062 2.860
Wiley Online Library 331.641 61.417 270.224 2.234
JSTOR 307.825 168.404 139.421 1.834
Springer** 153.736 3.872 149.864 2.703
Nature Publishing Group (excl. Nature) 135.191 82.111 53.080 61
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 104.624 56.698 47.926 330
SAGE 104.397 4.984 99.413 637
Taylor & Francis 92.769 12.735 80.034 2.004
American Chemical Society 85.249 15.501 69.748 50
Oxford University Press 74.500 17.917 56.583 304
Nature 51.593 36.480 15.113 1
Science 31.714 15.362 16.352 2
HighWire various society journals 31.061 13.850 17.211 29
Cambridge University Press 27.914 1.345 26.569 420
PNAS 27.640 11.872 15.768 1
Informa Healthcare 26.518 1.550 24.968 208
American Society for Microbiology 23.706 11.378 12.328 12
Royal Society of Chemistry 23.507 3.993 19.514 47
Journal of Biological Chemistry 22.861 11.295 11.566 1
MUSE 18.229 6.393 11.836 546
Scitation / American Institute of Physics 17.836 1.723 16.113 29
Annual Reviews 15.116 3.116 12.000 42
American Thoracic Society 8.071 4.215 3.856 2
INFORMS 6.643 18 6.625 11
Rockefeller University Press 6.407 3.603 2.804 3
Ovid various society journals 6.310 3.504 2.806 17
ACM Digital Library 6.111 5.969 129 107
Society for General Microbiology 5.232 2.423 2.809 4
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press 4.773 2.604 2.169 3
Royal Society 3.253 1.297 1.956 3
Duke University Press 2.218 5 2.213 42
Total for 2012*** 4.187.545 2.095.669 2.091.778 23.598
*   The number of journals may be overestimated, as some journals will not be part of our license
**  Springer usage data are for 2010, due to a platform switch from MetaPress to SpringerLINK
*** Missing from the table are a few smaller journal packages, plus a large number of individual journals e.g. medical society journals