E-readers for the Faculty of Behavioural & Social Sciences


Bibliotheek Gedrags- en Maatschappijwetenschappen

Library of Behavioural and Social Sciences

In recent years, more and more e-readers and tablets for reading e-books and articles have been launched in the market. The University of Groningen Library is now purchasing an increasing number of e-books. The e-books come from various platforms. The formats in which the e-books are made available varies considerably: PDF, HTML, via DRM platforms. Some of these formats are more suited than others to reading on an e-reader or tablet.

The aim of the ‘E-readers for the Faculty of Behavioural & Social Sciences’ project was to compile an inventory of user experiences with different types of e-reader and different types of e-book. During the project, three members of the academic staff at the Faculty were asked about their experiences using different e-book formats from the University collection on various e-readers.
These staff members were given three types of e-reader/tablet on loan: a Sony e-reader, an Archos e-reader and an iPad. During the loan period they used the e-reader to consult a selection of e-books in their subject area from various providers: EBL, Ebrary, MyiLibrary, Oxford Scholarship Online and PsycBOOKS. They reported their findings on the platforms and e-readers to the GMW Library.

At the end of 2011, one of the three staff members had been loaned the two e-readers and had the use of the iPad. The second researcher had been loaned the Sony e-reader at that time, and had the use of the iPad. The third staff member was issued with an Archos e-reader.

The results of this trial project are expected at the end of January. The two iPads purchased for the project can then be put to use elsewhere in the Library.

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